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الثلاثاء، 2 يوليو 2013

Induction of labour syntocinon

Composition :synthetic oxytocin 

Properties :
syntocinon contains synthetically prepared oxytocin 
the pharmacological and clinical action of syntocinon are identical with those of natural oxytocin ,but it is completely free from vasopressin 
syntocinon stimulates rhythmic contractions of uterus , inreases the frequency and amplitude of existing contractions , and improves the tone of uterine musculature without preventing the relaxation between contractions which is of primary importance in the avoidance of foetal asphyxia .

AS the pressor and antidiuretic effect is very low 
it may also used in gestosis (eclampsia , nephropathy) .

Indication :
1- induction of labour at term in the absence of uterine contraction :
b.premature rupture of the membrane 
c.foetal distress 
d.toxaemia of pregnancy.
2-primary and secondary uterine inertia.
3-caesarean section.
4-promotion of lactation and prevention of breast engorgement .

cephalopelvic disproportion .
over distention of uterus :multiparity,twin birth ,hydramnion
abnormal presentation 
hypertonic contractions
previous caesarean section   or other uterine operation 

Dosage and administration 
indution of labour 
i.v drip infusion of 1 unit in 100 ml of 5 %glucose solution at a rate of 8 to 40 drops per minute or more if required or 0.5 to 2 units by i.m injection repeatable every 30 min to 60 minutes 

inadequate uterine effect 
i.v drip infusion  as above or 0.25 to 1 unit bt i.m injection 
this dose after latent period of 3 to 10 minutes exerts its effect  for 30 to 60 minutes (may be repeated ) 

caesarean section 
5 units of syntocinon intramurally after extraction of baby .

dosage form : mostly ampoules 

What are the findings of CSF study in various disease conditions ?

Normal CSFfindings:
  •   Pressure:- 50 – 250 mm of water
  •  Colour:- colourless, crystal clear
  •  White cell count:- 0 – 4/mm3
  •   Red cell count:- 0 – 4/mm3
  •   Glucose:- >60% of blood level
  •   Protein:- <0.45g/L
  •   Microbiology:- sterile
  • Oligoclonal band: Negative
  • Pressure:- increased
  • Colour:- blood-stained, xanthochromic
  •   White cell count:- normal or slightly raised
  •   Red cell count:- raised
  •   Glucose:- normal
  • Protein:- increased
  • Microbiology:- sterile
  • Oligoclonal band: Negative

CSF in Acute bacterial meningitis:

  • Pressure:- normal/increased
  • Colour:- turbid/cloudy
  • White cell count:- 1000-5000/mm3,  predominantly polymorphs                      
  •  Red cell count:- normal
  • Glucose:- decreased
  • Protein:- increased
  • Microbiology:-organisms on Gram stain and/or culture
  • Oligoclonal band: Can be positive

CSF in Viral meningitis:
  • Pressure:-normal
  • Colour:- colourless, crystal clear
  • White cell count:- 10-2000/mm3,      predominantly lymphocytes
  • Red cell count:- normal
  • Glucose:- normal
  • Protein:- normal/increased
  • Microbiology:- sterile/virus detected
  • Oligoclonal band: Can be positive
CSF in tubercular meningitis:
  • Pressure:- normal/increased
  • Colour:- clear/cloudy
  • White cell count:- 50-5000/mm3,    predominantly lymphocytes
  • Red cell count:- normal
  • Glucose:- decreased
  • Protein:- increased
  • Microbiology:- Z-N stain/auramine stain or culture positive for AFB
  • Oligoclonal band: Can be positive
  • Pressure: Normal
  • Colour: Clear
  • Red Cell Count: Normal
  • White cell count: 0-50/mm3
  • Glucose: Normal
  • Protein: Normal / increased
  • Microbiology: Sterile
  • Oligoclonal band: Often positive

What are the advantages of donar who donates blood?

Blood donation is a noble task. Almost everybody do it. Either for our relatives or anypatient.

But do we know that we are also getting benefist from this noble task other than serving humanity?  

What are the advantages of blood donating?

Among lots of advantages, I am stating few here.

Preparation for critical situation:

Number one and most import advantage is our body become familiar with a critical condition which may happen in any time in our life and so at that time we can sustain for a while than other who has never donated blood.  Each time we donate blood, about 300-400ml blood is lost from our body. But we don’t become ill or even any dizziness or any sort of problem ( except for the first time, someone may experience vertigo or dizziness after first time blood donation) arise. Why this happen? Our body become familiar with this condition and it can compensate the lost amount easily.  Who donate blood frequently , his body become 

more familiar and be able to compensate more blood loss. So if any time, we fall in accident and have cut injury, we bleed , there is late in reaching any nearby hospital, until than out body can be  maintained better than other who have not donate blood anytime.

Delayed in aging process:

In our body continuous metabolism occurring. So lots of free radicals are generating every second. This free radicals are responsible for our aging process. So more free radicals, more earlier we become older. So we need to get rid of these culprits. If we donate blood  frequently, we  wash out good amount of free radicals from our body and aging process delayed.

Screening of diseases:

If we donate blood, we become screened for common blood transmitted disease like hepatitis B, C, HIV, Malaria, Syphilis etc. So we come to know, whether we are suffering from these diseases  or not.

الاثنين، 1 يوليو 2013


C.Granular casts 
D.Erythrocyte casts
E.Hyaline casts 

Answer this question in comment 

الأحد، 10 مارس 2013

الحصبة والحصبة الالمانى

ماذا تعرفى عن مرض الحصبة وخطورته على طفلك ؟

لابد من الحصول على تطعيم فى اسرع وقت لطفلك ؟

احمى طفلك من الحصبة والحصبة الالمانى والتهاب الغدة النكافية فقط مع تطعيم MMR

ما هو وقت التطعيم ضد مرض الحصبة ؟

كل هذه الاسئلة سوف تجدون اجاباتها مع هذا البوربوينت الممتع
لمشاهدة وتحميل البور بوينت هنا 

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